Turning the Page fundamentally believes in a parent’s power to make real change for their children. So much of parents’ successes are behind closed doors and go unrecognized. In light of everything happening right now, we want to take a moment to celebrate the extraordinary parents that we work with in the Washington D.C. and Chicago communities.

Parent Name: Rovonna Baldwin
City: Chicago, IL
School: Sumner Elementary
What is a success that you’ve had since starting at-home learning?
It feels like every plan I make, [my children] go with it for a week, but once we hit the weekend, they just forget about it. Just getting them online to their classes and watching them talk to their teachers and classmates has felt like a success.
When this started, my youngest one, Demontrae, didn’t know how to work a laptop to save his life and now he can get on and set up without any help and he feels so proud of himself. He loves typing – going from one finger and a letter at a time to using both hands. It makes me happy to watch my boys learning with a new tool. Technology has made the work into something fun.
What does your at-home learning location look like?
When we were first home, we were all together in the front at the table. But now I have my niece as well. With kids everywhere, mainly I’ll have the big kids at the table in the kitchen and the little kids sit up front to help keep each group focused.
Give a shoutout! Tell me about outside support you’ve received that has helped you with at home learning.
My first shoutout is to Jenn [Oswald; TTP Parent Engagement Associate] – She calls to check on me and my boys all the time to make sure we’re on top of work or see if we need help with anything. It could be not even related to school, it could be food-wise or stuff for the household. If she doesn’t have the information I need right away, she’s gonna look it up and get it to me. She is my go-to person, my Jenn!
Secondly, my son’s pre-k teacher, Mrs. Love. She saw how hard my son was working at the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown and she volunteered him to get a free laptop and followed through to make sure he got it. Now he is obsessed with it and doesn’t want to put it down for anything. She gave my son the opportunity to take responsibility and make sure nothing happens to it.
How did you explain COVID-19 to your children?
That actually was not hard because they came home and explained it to me! Devonté had a substitute before things shut down and she was talking to him about COVID-19. Every day she’d come in with a new fact. And then he would tell us what he learned. He’s been responsible for reminding us that it can be airborne and making sure we wash our hands every time we come inside.
What has your family been doing for fun during physical distancing?
A lot of board games. We play Monopoly, cards, and Go-Fish. Sometimes we’ll watch game shows with my grandmother and try to guess the answers before they can say them.
What is something that you miss and can’t wait to get back to after quarantine?
Going outside and not worrying about catching anything! It seems like we’re going to have to wear a face mask for a while, so I’ll just have to be patient.
We’ll be spotlighting parents each week, so keep checking back for more! Looking for ways to support parents like Rovonna? There are three ways you can help: order a grab-bag of #CuratedByCarpeLibrum books to be delivered in DC or Chicago; purchase a gift card to use at a future Carpe Librum pop-up or store; make a donation through our website.