Turning the Page fundamentally believes in a parent’s power to make real change for their children. So much of parents’ successes are behind closed doors and go unrecognized. In light of everything happening right now, we want to take a moment to celebrate the extraordinary parents that we work with in the Washington D.C. and Chicago communities.

Parent Name: Lashanda Sanguinetti
City: Washington D.C.
School: Turner Elementary
What has been one of your successes this school year?
We have adjusted to at-home learning now and Dakhari has become more prompt in terms of being online and ready for class at the correct time.
What does Dakhari’s at-home learning environment look like?
He works at his desk in his room where there are no family members walking in and out distracting him.
What have been some challenges you and Dakhari have faced this year?
It’s been challenging to get Dakhari to complete assignments. When he was physically at school he was able to stay more on task when completing assignments, but at home he can get complacent.
How are you feeling about transitioning back to in-school learning when the time comes?
We are looking forward to eventually returning to in person learning as Dakhari is a very hands-on learner. However, I am very hesitant for that to happen until it’s safe to do so and until I know what social distancing procedures are in place.
What has your family been doing for fun during physical distancing?
We like to play card games or have family movie nights. He loves action movies and books that are about adventures, cars, or are cartoons. He also loves fried chicken and fries so sometimes I’ll make that and he will help me prepare it for the family which is fun.
What is something that you miss and can’t wait to get back to after the pandemic?
We really miss walking around the neighborhood and doing activities outside as much as we did before coronavirus.
Looking for ways to support parents like Lashanda? There are three ways you can help: order a grab-bag of #CuratedByCarpeLibrum books to be delivered nationwide; order from our Bookshop page; make a donation through our website.