TTP provides parent leaders with extensive support and guidance at each of their schools, and in the community, throughout the year. We routinely ask and evaluate the question: “What did you learn from another parent this evening?” Our parent leadership program reflects the idea that parents’ voices, perspectives, and actions on behalf of their school community can and should be valued and elevated.
Parent Leadership Conferences
TTP brings our most active parents from all partner schools together in an annual full-day, Saturday Parent Leadership Conferences (PLC) to learn about current issues facing public schools, as well as brainstorm for school improvement and community resource projects. PLCs have included partnerships with local elected officials and community partners. Throughout the daylong conference, parents can network, gain resources, and ask questions with members of these organizations. Guests at these conferences have included DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, former DC Mayor Vincent Gray, and 24th Ward Alderman Michael Scott Jr. in Chicago.
During this time, students take a guided field trip to one of the city’s cultural landmarks. Parents also learn about relevant issues facing their schools – and hear directly from those making and implementing these policies. Parents share updates on projects they have worked on throughout the year.
For example, parents shared many successes and challenges at the 2019 PLC in Chicago: the Penn PAC has been hard at work on a bathroom improvement project; Legacy, parent leaders launched family yoga classes as well as several successful fundraisers. The Kellman PAC has developed a Parent Room that can hold Parent Cafes, or informal sessions; and the Sumner PAC has also recently celebrated the opening of a parent room and resource center. This event was also followed by our inaugural Summer Resource Festival. On a bright, breezy spring day, families soaked in the sun and enjoyed an afternoon of outdoor fun and learning. Over fifteen different organizations joined us to share resources about education programs, career resources, and more.
The 2020 and 2021 PLCs have been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic but we have continued to engage with parent leaders in other ways.
Parent Leadership Projects
As each school has their own goals and mission, TTP supports parent leaders depending on the school’s focus points. In the 2019-20 school year for example, at Turner Elementary, TTP has supported one parent as a Budget Leader. He has attended DCPS hearings with TTP staff, prepared testimony and collaborated with other parents and school administration to identify where they want to focus budgetary items for the following school year.
At Plummer Elementary, parents have been engaged in a community garden project and parents at King Elementary have been increasing scheduling for reading in the classroom, a project identified by parents and school staff as a top priority. All of these examples contribute to increased parent-to-parent relationships as well as parent-to-teacher relationships which in turn increase resources for children.
Parent leaders have previously formed and strengthened their local PTAs and implemented school resources and science fairs. They have sustained cross-generational service projects, like our annual day of service on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, where parents make care packages for senior citizens at the Knox Hill Residence. Parents have also advocated for improved after-school programming and bullying prevention by partnering with the Office of Human Rights: Citywide Youth Bullying Prevention Program.