Chicago VISTA Spotlight: Andrew Hertzberg


AmeriCorps VISTAs serve nationally to build capacity at local organizations that serve low income communities. At Turning the Page Chicago (TTP) they are fundamental to strengthening relationships with families and school staff and by developing long-lasting partnerships with local organizations, museums, and universities. VISTAs play a unique role in most aspects of TTP programs including volunteer outreach, development, communications, student curriculum development, and supporting Carpe Librum bookstores. Our latest VISTA Spotlight shines on Communications and Development Specialist Andrew Hertzberg.

Name: Andrew Hertzberg

Hometown: Chicago, IL (Ok, fine, Glenview, IL)

Favorite hobby: Over the past few years, some friends and I have created themed bike rides throughout the city. It’s a great way to explore Chicago’s history and culture and eclectic neighborhoods. Some past rides have included biking the entire boulevard system, biking between various architectural landmarks during Open House Chicago, biking to Chinatown for the New Year’s Parade, and we’ve even biked to Milwaukee a few times.

Favorite childhood book: For as much of an avid reader as I am now, I didn’t read a lot when I was growing up. That said, any of the Goosebumps original series was always a favorite, especially Say Cheese and Die!

Hats I wear at TTP: My two main roles involve fundraising and anything digital. I developed the silent auction at our 20th Anniversary Gala in Washington, D.C. I promote and work in our fundraising bookstores and am constantly tracking down grants and new sources of funding for our programs. Additionally, I maintain our Instagram and Twitter pages, as well as the Facebook page for both Turning the Page as a whole and Carpe Librum Chicago. I also make sure that our website stays up to date by adding blog content, updating program information, and making the site easier overall for our followers and supporters to use.

Why I chose to serve with AmeriCorps VISTA: Before this position, I was a Bookstore Associate with Carpe Librum while also freelance writing. As a major proponent of literacy, I wanted to get more involved with the developmental side of things in a community-focused organization. This position had opened up at the right time and it seemed like the perfect fit.

Most interesting aspect of my service with TTP:
I appreciate the chance to break up more of the rote tasks by interacting with families or community partners. While my main role is certainly more behind the scenes, it’s been great to be able to attend some of our Community Nights or to table at events and spread awareness of our programs. It’s also been great to get more involved in and learn more about the community of North Lawndale in general.

Biggest accomplishment at TTP thus far:
Creating the silent auction for our recent gala was a massive undertaking. The major challenge was creating exciting items for our supporters to bid on in a city I don’t live in! It took a lot of research and sending out monotonous emails until my eyes bled and fingers burned, but we got a great response from D.C. area businesses. It was great to see the evening all come together, meeting families who have been a part of our programs for years, and hearing stories about how Turning the Page has impacted their lives.

What I hope to gain from my time with TTP: It’s a cliché in the non-profit world, but no two days are the same here. It’s great to have the chance to see the process behind everything. Like, EVERYTHING. From the grants and funding process, to all of the tiny details of Community Nights, to the process of book donations and how they end up at Carpe Librum, or finding new spaces for bookstore pop-ups. Every day brings a new challenge, a new task, and new ideas about how to make our programs better.

By: TTP Staff
December 3, 2018