Chicago VISTA Spotlight: Leslie Guzman


AmeriCorps VISTAs serve nationally to build capacity at local organizations that serve low income communities. At Turning the Page (TTP) they are fundamental to strengthening relationships with families and school staff and by developing long-lasting partnerships with local organizations, museums, and universities. VISTAs play a unique role in most aspects of TTP programs including volunteer outreach, development, communications, student curriculum development, and supporting Carpe Librum bookstores. Our latest VISTA Spotlight shines on Partnerships and Parent Engagement VISTA, Leslie Guzman.

Hometown: Avondale Neighborhood of Chicago, IL

Favorite hobby: Cooking, baking, and volunteering.

Favorite childhood book: The Judy Moody Series by Megan McDonald

Hats I wear at TTP: As a primary parent partner at two schools, my time is focused on connecting with parents in Mobile Meetings by having conversations, engaging parents using our Digital Hub, and encouraging them to attend our events throughout the school year. My work is all about supporting parents with at-home learning and helping them set and accomplish goals that they can be proud of. I also work on building relationships with teachers, school staff, and community partners to better meet parents and students’ needs. Let’s not forget the behind the scenes work that goes into many of our events we host!

Why I chose to serve with AmeriCorps VISTA: I have always enjoyed helping my community in any way possible. Not long after the pandemic happened I thought to myself, “What can I do to contribute to the betterment of my community and to the families that are in need more than ever before?” Serving with AmeriCorps really resonated with me and made me look at the bigger picture. I wanted to be of service to neighborhoods that needed it most. My values and passion aligned perfectly with the work of AmeriCorps and that to me, is the most important thing.

Most interesting aspect of my service with TTP:  The most interesting aspect is the creativity that goes into organizing workshops and the logistics of it all. I am fascinated by the amount of detail that goes into our Family Room Workshops and partner events. It definitely shows the dedication we have to give families something they can enjoy from the comfort of their home.

Biggest accomplishment at TTP thus far: Since I’ve started, I have continuously learned about the specific needs of parents and families with children at the schools we serve. The more I learn about these needs and what parents and families are struggling with, I think the biggest accomplishment is honestly the work in general. As we provide the resources parents need, we are slowly but surely targeting these struggles in hopes of making things better and building confidence in parents.

What I hope to gain from my time with TTP: I hope to continue to improve my skills and learn new ones that will help me further my future goals, both personal and professional. A great thing I have embraced during my time with Turning the Page is my communication skills. Although I stumble with my words sometimes, or should I say the majority of the time, I have always enjoyed making conversation. I am sure I will become a pro at it towards the end.

By: TTP Staff
October 9, 2020